Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Flowerhorns

Today I bought par of Flowerhorn ( I hope they are a pair !). There were few pair of Flowerhorns ( all of them were badly beaten up) with few Giant gourami and Tilapia fish. This is the first time I saw bunch of Flowerhorns together and they were not doing well. I guess its true, Flowerhorn should keep alone. They are not social fish. Many of them were dark color probbly depressed by all aggression and having bite marks and broken fins. Also none had "horns".

Well those 2 Flowerhorns I bought need a serious rehabilitation. They are in same tank but I've put a seperetor glass between them. They can see each other but no fighting ! So I hope their wounds will heal and with quality food they will get better colors and hopefully horns !

I didn't know Flowerhorns are a man-made hybrid. So breeding them is out of question i guess. Maybe I should had bought 2 males. The Wiki page about Flowerhorns has some nice photos of them.


  1. Maybe you should start going to a different aquarium shop - his ones are always beat up lol

    But at least you have the fish experience to heal them back to healthy! ;)

    Good luck with your new flowerhorns Hasitha! :D

  2. This is not from the same place where I v bought BlueRams. In this shop I can't say fish are healthy or quality. He seems not maintain properly. Tanks and fish looks terrible but cheap. This guy is more into build various size and type tanks than selling fish.
