Friday, August 21, 2009

My Yellow Convict pair !

Well just like I had thought both of my first Yellow Convicts are males. I had them like for 3 days and they were not getting along. Normally convicts are not very picky about their partners unlike Discus fish, Jellews or Severums. So I went back to petshop and this time made sure I was getting 2 females for my male.

Yellow Convict Females are smaller than males and also their dorsel fin cornors are not pointed. This is the best way to find out unless you use more difficult methods to check their gender. This time it has worked I have now pair in a separate tank and they stay hidden in caves. Other Yellow Convict pair is in a bit bigger tank where they swim around as a pair. They are being bit aggressive towords other fish but nothing bad so far.

I hope they will spawn soon.

Here's a Yellow Convict Female.

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