If you are looking for Aquarium Plants which can survive in a gold fish tank main thing you need to consider is how thing their leave and rough plants which can survive with rough treatments. Your best choices are sward type aquarium plants and Anubias types. Also you can use Artificial plants.
- Amazon Sword Plant -
- Rose Amazon sword -
- Anubias Barteri -
If you want to know about plants and how to grow them in your Aquarium them check this great book called Encyclopedia of Aquarium Plants
. This book is divided into two parts: the "practical section" and the "plant profiles". The practical section covers aquatic plants and how to care for them. Selection of substrate, proper lighting and nutrition, ideal water quality, and algae identification/control are all covered in this section. and this 75-page plant profiles section lists many, many plants along with a brief profile on each type. Profiles include: growth rate, lighting and temperature requirements, propagation, and special notes about that particular plant.
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