Betta fish one of the very few freshwater aquarium fish which don't mind living in a fish bowl. They are small moving fish who prefer to live alone. So sometimes even 1 gallon tank would be find for one male Betta fish. But the recommended tank size is 5 gallon tank even for a single fish, Just like any other fish they do love to explore around. They are originally from wast swamps and paddy fields in Asian countries.
If you live in a country where you have cold winters then you need to have a small mini heater for your Betta fish tank. They are tropical fish who don't tolerate cold water. They are hardy fish so they would survive better than most of other tropical fish but still it's better providing a small mini heater. It won't cost you more than 20 USD.
You can keep one Betta Male in a community tank. If the tank is really huge you might able to keep 2 of them and hope they won't meet together. Or you can just keep Betta females.Unlike males, female Betta rarely fight to death. They quickly establish a pecking order and behave according to that.
This Tetra Water Wonders Aquarium Kit is ideal for keeping Betta fish. It would be great for one Male Betta fish and has enough space to swim around and small enough to keep in even a small dormitory room. You can buy it from Amazon for only around $23 with free shipping.
This Tetra Water Wonders Aquarium Kit is ideal for keeping Betta fish. It would be great for one Male Betta fish and has enough space to swim around and small enough to keep in even a small dormitory room. You can buy it from Amazon for only around $23 with free shipping.
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